Staying Home

I’ve been a good girl, I swear.

Since we were all notified about the quarantine, I’ve spent the majority of my time in my home. It hasn’t been very difficult given that I rate high on the introvert scale. But, it hasn’t been all peaches and cream either.

The day I wrote this phrase, I was feeling a little stir crazy. It has been so long living in such a restricted manner that I nearly forget how to go outside. On the rare occasions I need to leave the house, I always have to go down a checklist now. Even for my purse!

That said, there’s quite a bit of talk about schools reopening. I have to say, as stir crazy as I’ve felt at times, I’m not sure that’s the answer right now. I was a teacher with Zoom fatigue to the hilt. I mean, while I loved seeing the students and knowing they were okay, Zoom for me was like inviting people over multiple times throughout the week, every week…an introvert nightmare. But, I’m still alive to talk about it. And I’m definitely not ready to send my daughter to school. So, that presents a childcare issue for me right along with everyone else.

As I understand it, at the end of the day, the curve has not flattened and nothing has changed except it got worse in the States. Right now, as much as our homes feel somewhat confining, they’re still likely the sweetest places to be for everyone’s sake.

Home is what you make it. So, Dear Reader, whether you’re an essential worker or not, please protect yourself and everyone else. Wear a mask when you’re out, and please make it home and stay there as long as you can until those numbers start looking better.


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

In the Interest of Time


Portfolio Building