Portfolio Building

A teacher must be nuts to ask for homework during summer break.

But, I have to say…if homework in school was like this, I wouldn’t have hated it so much.

You read that right. I was an A student. But, until I got to art school, I literally hated homework. So, this homework is right up my alley.
Ok, technically, it’s not exactly homework. Nobody is getting graded, though you can ask for feedback in the private FB Group. Also, you can totally skip a prompt if it doesn’t speak to you. I just feel like with something so new to me, jumping in and trying it all might help me pinpoint where I’d fit and how this would all fit into my lifestyle.

Plus, as much as I disliked homework (or getting up at 5 am in the mornings because I took the longest in the shower…), I was a nerd. So, there’s that.
For this prompt, I liked so many of the headlines that I didn’t do one. That really doesn’t make sense except to say that I don’t want to do those until I feel like I’m ready to put the final piece in my portfolio. Right now, it’s about making sure I can use all the tools properly (software and file-handling wise) and seeing what kind of feedback I get in the group.

For instance, I used a lettering/pattern combo I made for the previous prompt on a gift bag and the feedback was that it worked better only on the planner. So, once I’ve worked those kinds of kinks out, I’ll feel like moving forward.

As you can see, I tried this on a greeting card for this one…I think it could work for a sentiment that is welcoming a team member to a new position or welcoming a newlywed to the family or something like that. I imagine the inside could read, “Congrats! You’ll fit in just fine, you little nut job you.” That might be over the top, lol. But, it made sense when I was making it. 😂 Feel free to let me know what you think.

I also want to try a pattern using the peanuts and their texture. That wasn’t required since the course is primarily for letterers, so you can stop right there on most prompts. But, it will help in solidifying my understanding of Illustator. Might be working that up tonight if my people cooperate.

At any rate, these prompts and mockups are just crazy addictive!


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Staying Home


My First Steps in Art Licensing