In the Interest of Time

August is here.

We had our first, optional meeting this past week where we discussed overall ideas about going back safely. It was the first of many staff meetings that will occur during the school year...

There’s a saying that August for teachers is like one long Sunday night.

They’re right.

Truth be told, I started looking for things in Target that I would be able to use in my classroom this year around the halfway mark in July. It’s a teacher thing.

While I could say that I usually start missing the students around the middle of August and the first day of school is like a huge reunion (it is), summer coming to an end is still never my favorite thing (sue me). But, my feeling is that if I can make the Sunday night that is August last longer than the average Sunday night, I usually feel okay about it and I go back maybe a little sleepier, but fulfilled.

With that being said, how many projects do I have going on now? Well, there’s the Art Licensing Portfolio I’m building…

These cards were prompts for the Portfolio Builder class I wrote about here. Since I’m so late to the party, I just figured if I got done the current prompt with time left over, I would go back through the prompts starting from January and mix in some personal projects along the way.

I was a little digitally out of my comfort zone for a couple of the January prompts. But, I enjoyed doing them all and I particularly liked the style of these letters in the second Valentine’s Day card above. They’re called Victorian letters. Typically, the letterforms have serifs, some that are elongated and curl at the ends…and they are just not quiet at all…After reading a bit about the era of Queen Victoria, it follows since “the haves” and those on the come up wanted for an ever-increasing lavish way of life at the time. It makes it easy to embellish these letterforms to the moon and back with shadows, fills, and pretty much everything under the sun, and still have them make a pretty, handsome title (or some kind of text that is meant to stand out…these letters want center stage). I can imagine many impoverished citizens may have had a difficult time making out the letters from the ornaments! That’s only half joking…Language, text, and art has historically been used as a barrier to keep the “have-nots” out.

Still, our culture is not very far from that now. I might have to use these guys more often-perhaps in ways that are more suited to my own vernacular.

Let’s see…how else can we stretch out this month? Oh! Right…

I also have taken over an IG account.

You read that right. I took over the @20minutesofcray account today. I’m all stocked up with markers (thanks to one of those handy Target trips) and my first post will be late this evening.

Join me if you have…time. :)


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Want to Learn Calligraphy? Try This First!


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