Celebrate Yo’Self with Your Lettering

Made with love. To me. For me.

A healthy love for self is mandatory for a peaceful existence and I learned late in life the power of celebrating oneself. But, learn it I did, and this year I celebrated myself with a lettering project.

I originally wanted to do this on my chalkboard. Instead, this was done on my iPad to simulate it for now and displayed using a few items from Custom Scene’s Party Collection and Hygge Scene Creator (love their scene creators!).


Well, I was on extreme mommy-duty with my kid…

Sometimes, the hyper-vigilance leaves little room for marathon stretches of creativity.

Also, this happened. ❤️

Combining photos and letters has never made me happier. 🥰


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Lettering is Political?


Feed the Monster