Lettering is Political?

It most definitely is.

I will say it again…I originally started this journey at the beginning of the quarantine to escape from what was happening around me.

Now, I’m not so sure how possible that is-for me.
I remember, not so long ago, when #blackouttuesday happened and how disheartened I would be when I did not see at least a tiny show of support on accounts that I have followed and loved. I knew it didn’t mean they had all the right answers about everything. But, it at least felt like they were willing to “take a hit”, so to speak, for a greater cause beyond making money off me or getting likes. Hindsight being 20/20, I believe for some that didn’t show any support that day, it didn’t matter to do it and for others they just wanted to appear neutral so as to keep everything business as usual. It never sat well with me because an entire group of people were being affected by injustice. To be silent about it is to be complicit.
And now, there’s this. This election. November 3, 2020. I’ve voted in every presidential election since the younger Bush. But, more than any other election, I find myself feeling like I can’t sit out for this one. In any way I can, I want to participate.

Lettering is such a great vehicle for transmitting ideas that can act as a catalyst for change. It’s no wonder, Jessica Hische, one of the most well-known artists in lettering, chose to use it in support of the Biden-Harris team in order to encourage those who might have otherwise not participated in the coming election. It’s also why many other artists, known and unknown, have joined in this artistic display of support. Follow all of their work here.

For myself, I couldn’t wait to make something…anything, because I don’t believe another four years under the current administration would be tolerable for the whole country….and I’m tired of being fearful for my children, their well-being and their futures. I can’t say that electing Mr. Biden would fix everything. But, I don’t think electing Trump again would fix anything at all. I believe his tone-deaf responses to most groups in the United States are a large part of the reason we are here today.

I searched for a song for the process video I saved for this piece. Most sounded too patriotic given this period of racial unrest we appear to be living in now. So, I asked my school’s music teacher, Mr. Aubrey Everett, to collaborate on a song I could use to show it. I think it suits. Let me know what you think.

My hope is that the volunteering of time and talent of so many artists makes others want to step up and do the same and that it encourages everyone to vote the only experienced and most logical candidate into the highest office of the country.
To add your own art to this campaign, visit this site for more information.


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


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Celebrate Yo’Self with Your Lettering