Will Work For Themes

Themes are getting pretty interesting around here…

I’m such a purpose person. I think it’s one of the essential qualities of being an introvert. If a conversation has no point, why have it? Small talk usually fits into this category for me…along with most instances of addressing someone with a colorful insult when they’ve cut you off on the road. If I’m going to know you all of two minutes, is it really worth it? While I can’t say it’s not every single time…Most times, it’s pointless. I think I apply the same philosophy to almost everything.

Art for arts sake is awesome. I went to school for art. I know this to be true. There’s nothing like standing in front of a Soutine and just…staring at all the yum.

But, since then, I’ve learned that, as an individual, I’m always asking myself, at the end of anything I make, “So what’re you going to do with that?” I also notice I don’t put much up on my walls either. Not in my home and not in my classroom. Unless it’s useful, in such a fast-paced environment, I’d rather have the walls pretty expansive. It helps me breathe better. Not very teachery of me, as I’ve seen.

If I’m going to put something up on my walls, I just want it to be artful and useful…While it’s inspiring me, it needs to either give me some direction about what I’m doing or make me laugh. Since I don’t have the money for Soutine’s, at home, I usually use my kids’ photos and I have some quotes that I feel represent what I want in my home.

But school, I think these little lettering projects might work for me and the students. Well, probably not the Summer Vibes…That’s probably better for my scrapbook or the school newsletter…or maybe as part of a calendar I can post on my room. But, the rest are all loosely based on some of the themes I brainstormed in my last post. I don’t think I’d mind putting some of those up at all.

In this last one, you can see where I’m adding a little illustration into the background. I also tried to post a 4:5 of it to Instagram, which was promptly cropped in either Planoly or IG for some reason. While IG is a bundle of unintuitive unknowns decipherable only by googling, I think my themes may be working for me. As I get to the end of August, I’ll try some phrases that are even more directly related to going back to the classroom. But, all in all, I would say some headway has been made here.


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Mind Blown


Hello July