Hello July

Everybody does a hello to the month.

Ok, probably not everybody. But, it seems to be a norm in the lettering community to letter a piece that welcomes the month. So, the above is my contribution for the month of July. Let’s hope for a month that doesn’t add any more to the crazy that is 2020, shall we? :)

Another norm is that all of my lettering heroes seem to have certain topics they revolve around…personal themes. Some are scriptural and encouraging. Others are full of funny, off-beat humor and wit.

This one here is probably TMI. But, it’s my truth. Don’t judge me. 😂

Another thing I see a lot is a reference to a holiday. I love the subtle reference to social justice I see in most posts involving Independence Day. Seems it’s difficult to letter it literally because of our current state of affairs. But, there are ways, I guess…

Of course, mine is likely a beat you on top of the head kind of post. But, I still like it.
On the one hand, I love surprises, jokes, and sarcasm. I get to think them a lot, but I don’t get to use them a lot in my profession. On the other hand, I would love to letter some prints for my classroom that are uplifting as well. Seems I have a Dr. Jekyll/Ms. Hyde thing going on at the moment…I’ve only been a teacher for going on three years now, and I’ve picked up on some things. One, teachers after school hours are not the same as teachers during school hours…And two, some teacher thoughts are NSFW…Not for inappropriate imagery, mind you…But, still unsafe. Case in point…take a look at this. Teachers be on edge! 😂
Yup. #Teacherlife quotes abound. Some of my favorites are the “Said No Teacher Ever” quotes. They crack me up! I think they’ll be for my Dr. Jekyll after hours side. I’ll reserve the encouraging quotes and the ones that talk about shaping little minds for my during hours, inner Ms. Hyde.
Between the two of them, holidays, the occasional challenge, and hellos to the season, month, year, and century, that should be enough to letter for awhile.


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Will Work For Themes

