What’s the Purpose of Your Lettering Journey?

Glad you asked!

I initially started lettering again in 2020 when the pandemic first started. Honestly, it was for fun and to keep my mind busy. It was after the first two weeks when we were told we’d likely be home another two months.

Well, we all know how that went. 😑

Fast forward and I realized there were other goals I had than just occupying my mind.

When I began to see how many women had trouble being creative or pursuing their artistic goals while maintaining a career…which I have to admit, is not always the easiest thing to do….I started sharing the ways I find to do it since these are things I’ve been working on since I entered the workforce.

Of course, not every person that has a traditional career wants to keep it. But, the majority of us tend to have careers, multiple skillsets, etc.-and a few of us still find purpose in those as well. If you happen to float on that boat and find creating work difficult, this post may be for you.

Ways You Can Be a Creative that Works

On the Job

One of the best ways to be creative is by finding “projects” to do on the job. I can be of service at my school while practicing my craft, or even teach what I learn to my students. Yes, it’s voluntary if it’s out of the scope of your job duties or requirements. But, if it’s during work hours-and for your job (no cheating here ☝🏾), technically, you are being paid. So, you don’t have to feel like you’re being used. You can become a more valued employee while studying your craft!


Another way is by finding projects at home that teach me new skills while giving me ways to gift the members of my family with items that are meaningful to them. This is typically more volunteer work, unless you are specifically asked to do this-in which case, it’s your call to charge or not. Some creatives agree to a request, free-of-charge, and then include a charged off invoice that shows what the gift would have cost so there is no misunderstanding of the value.

Passively Pursuing

Yet another way is by pursuing creative career goals like art licensing or other endeavors like an online shop.

Personal Experience

Case in point, in my most recent adventure, I was contacted by a representative of an art licensing company about licensing some of my artwork and possibly continuing the relationship with them into the future.

I had originally taken a class on licensing a couple years ago, but was unable to complete it at the time due to work constraints. See how that works?

When the licensing representative contacted me, I had nearly forgotten everything I had learned! But, since I had still been posting work consistently, I was still showing up for opportunities.

Simultaneously, I was building a base of creative friends. Most recently, I met a friend who is experienced at art licensing and was able to offer me some advice…

…which leads me to this digital piece of artwork below.

I was given a homework assignment last week by my new friend to make a piece of artwork for Easter, Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day by filling a silouhette with lettering and giving it a background in an appropriate color with the text in white.

Technically, I likely would’ve waited to create a piece for Easter. But, while I’m still learning the ins and outs…and, at this point, possibly while in the midst of it 😬…I do know that those who work in art licensing generally create work that can be put on greeting cards, wrapping papers, party items, household decor items, etc. I also know that, often, their portfolio needs to have selections for holidays months in advance for art licensing purposes.

So, for this little challenge, this is what I came up with…

What do you think? Art licensing-worthy?

We’ll see!

I typically strive to make work that is authentic to my experience. That’s why it was so rewarding to have been contacted by a licensing company that happened to notice me! Of course, there may now be work that they’d like to see…and I love rising to meet a challenge! Stay tuned for that!

Find Meaning

Either way, in order to keep creative while working a traditional career, keep finding meaningful ways to be creative. 💪🏾 Find ways to make work on purpose!

You just never know what other opportunities to be creative will find you on your journey. 🥰


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Hand-Lettering for Home Decor


Art Is Not Escape