Sunday Thoughts: On Truth
In about a week from now, I’m scheduled to be in a show. 😳
A while back, I started some posts I called “Sunday Thoughts.” They centered around my thoughts mingled with my ideas on faith, beginning to seriously pursue a devotion…and just trying to figure things out. Here’s another…
About two months ago, a friend of mine from college asked me to be in a show with her.
“Fear is not a good life companion. It’ll have you looking like a looney toon in the corner while your life waltzes on by with the next person…who by the way is in the same boat you are, but decided to go all in.”
We attended the same core classes together in art school until we separated into our majors…I went into fine arts and painting classes while she went into graphic design. We graduated and went on to other schools, but remained friends...You know, the kind of friends that might catch up once a year…or maybe even every other year…but can carry on like we just saw each other yesterday? It’s kinda like that.
Today, she owns an art therapy business and is quite the entrepreneur. I’ve even had her guest speak at my girls workshops to inspire other young women to consider entrepreneurship as a career.
When we caught up with each other back in May, she invited me to participate in an event she has planned so that I could show my work. At the time, I gave her my spiel which goes something like… I have taken random commissions for portraits or customized drawings, I haven’t been in a show showcasing my own work in years. I also haven’t photographed my work. The client simply takes their work home and that’s pretty much it.
I wasn’t lying…All of that is true.
Then, I told her that I had been lettering lately thinking that might be a turn off for her event.
It wasn’t. 😂
So, I will be prepping some items for a table at an outdoor event…for lettering.
Not painting…Not portraits. Lettering.
This is new territory and the truth is that the popular quote, “I have no idea what I’m doing” definitely applies here!
But don’t I?
She called me today and the more I talked about it with her, the more I wondered if there wasn’t just some form of imposter syndrome rearing its head.
Artists get that too. Especially when they’re digging around in someone else’s playground. After all, she was the graphic design major, not me…right?
The truth is, there are many successful artists that didn’t start out as artists…Somewhere along the line, they just developed an interest in some art form and pursued it. If they had let the feelings that come with imposter syndrome get in the way of practicing their art, they may have cut their potential at the legs.
Well, the good thing about me is that when I notice those things about myself, that’s usually when I double down!
Fear is not a good life companion. It’ll have you looking like a looney toon in the corner while your life waltzes on by with the next person…who by the way is in the same boat as you are, but decided to go all in.
That being said, I’m going to nod to the feeling while embracing the truth…which is I got this (Philippians 4:13).
Yes, there are still so many other things for me to learn. But, who isn’t able to say that, right? The day we think we know it all is the day we stop growing. Just because we are still learning doesn’t mean we should pass up the great opportunities that present themselves today.
There’s something empowering about knowing the truth, isn’t it?