How to Achieve Quantum Growth in Lettering (and Anything Else)

Let me tell you about the time I said, “yes.”

It wasn’t that long ago, actually.

In the last post, I mentioned a friend from college that had invited me to show my work at an event she is putting on this weekend. She asked at the end of the 2020-2021 school year on the phone, while I was at work and seeing August off in the distance. I honestly thought the idea would run out of steam before it came to be.

If you’ve been following, you know how that went.

If you’re just catching up, I’ve been churning out items for the table that will be on display at her event. I’ve been posting the bts videos in my IG stories for those that are watching the whole process. I’m using pretty much everything I’ve learned about lettering so far and then some. Every night this week has been a different kind of project. You can see a few of the photos below.

Although my favorites will probably always be vintage and retro, I like many lettering styles…and I like to see lettering on prints, objects, cards, signs…practically everywhere. These items I’m making are as diverse as I could get them on as wide a range of items I could gather this week…and they should be a decent representation of my lettering so far.

Many of these pieces I did early on in the pandemic. You can find most of them on my IG page. Having them around made it easier to participate in this event…especially when you wait until the week before to realize the event organizer was actually serious. 😬

This week, I’ve made the rounds to everything from stickers to prints, tall drinkware, and wall signage. Between tonight and tomorrow, I plan to tackle chalkboards and mugs too.

Not every project has run through so smoothly. While I’ve tried nearly all of this before in some way, shape or form, every project has its quirks and annoyances. But all of that’s okay. Saying, ‘yes’ to things that are a little outside your comfort realm, following through, and getting through the obstacles to completion is a quantum growth serum. You’ll learn faster than ever, picking up more tips during trial and error and just handling things than you would otherwise. Goodness knows, I should never forget to set everything to ‘engrave’ when I’m making a plaque again!🤦🏾‍♀️

I’ve thought of this table I’m going to have there in terms of people just getting to know what can be done with lettering and that there are some art forms that lend themselves to everyday life far easily than others. Should they want to take anything home, I’ve come up with a price list…and I’ve already had some visitors that plan to show up at the event to claim a few things they’ve seen!

That detail is only made more surprising since I have yet to plan how to package or wrap any potential purchases. And branding…Well, the most thought I’ve given that thus far is this QR Code.

I have always felt they were pretty clever, even if they didn’t take off. I put this one on a super simple business card. When your camera detects the code, it prompts you to follow through to my IG page…I have another on my sticker sheets that goes to my website. Other than that…well, there’s nothing yet other than that.

In my defense, I had already told y’all my goal is a successful sticker shop and I’m taking it slowly….

But, I’ve come to find out in my years on this earth…you never get a green light when you know you want it and you never get a red light when you think you need it.

Now, all that said…the forecast calls for rain. After all…this is Delaware. It’s a 55% chance too, so it’s probable. But, rain or shine, I’m determined to grow through it.

Yeah, I wrote that right. ✌🏾


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Opportunities to Learn: How to Prepare a Table to Showcase Your Work


Sunday Thoughts: On Truth