Summer School’s in Session

Summer school is in full effect.

I have a confession to make…Growing up, I hated school. I didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere except the art room. Being forced to get up at 5:30 in the morning is never any fun. Plus, I went to school year round! Yuck!

But, try as I might, I’ve also never been able to get out of school. It always found a way to pull me back in somehow…and, now look at me! I’m in summer school by choice!

Since I’m spilling all my tea, I may as well let you in on another secret…

Confession #2: I hoard classes over the school year until I can take them over the summer. I rack up classes from all over….Skillshare, Domestika, and various courses by lettering and calligraphy artists. The course I’m currently taking is on lettering composition. I’ve completed one lesson and am on the second now. It’s early in the course, but I can already tell it’s going to be good!

I have a few others I would love to take this summer, but I’m trying to pace myself.

Everybody thinks teachers have it made because of the time they get off during the summer. But, in my experience, about the time summer’s up, you’ve just regained your breath…and then it’s back to work.

For me, I just like to have something to show for the time. Plus, it’s a good way to maintain creative fitness for when it’s time to go back, with a touch of accountability. So, summer school it is!

In between time, I play around seeing what all I can do now, experimenting with details on letters, using up the million notebooks around my she-room, etc.

Maybe if school was like this when I was a kid, my awkward self would’ve had a lot more fun!


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Pursuing Personal Projects


Father’s Day 2021