Seeing Double

I’m getting faster!

Or at least I think I am.

Despite the phrase, try not to compare these, right?
Looks like I’m getting fast enough now to get two done for the challenge in a day.…which is a good thing, because getting to be creative means taking time from other parts of my day that typically would be spent on or with others. Basically, it means being selfish sometimes.

I counteract my selfishness sometimes by asking my partner for his input in the process. It was working until he started liking more than one sketch…Or we disagreed on which one was the best. So, two lettering pieces it is. It may not be efficient, but I manage to get the challenge done for the night. Whatever the case, I will make time for it…
Once upon a time, I had a sidebar with one of my art instructors. She told me that I’d have to be selfish sometimes for my work. Then, she instructed me to read Virginia Woolf’s, “A Room of One’s Own” and I did.

I’ve never been the same since.


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


