My Lettering Bucket List

I’m going to have to start a new list, y’all.

We are all about ready to wrap this year up and all I have to say is…what a ride! I wanted to share some things that I’m ending 2022 with that still have me feeling like Christmas came early this year!

Live-Event Calligraphy Engraving & Brand Activations

This has been one of the most fun things I’ve ever done! Yes, it’s scary and, yes, it’s challenging. But, I’ve had a ball engraving on other people’s stuff. 😂

Let’s face it…I spend all my extra money on writing and drawing supplies (you may have noticed). I have a finite amount of fragrance bottles…and my husband’s stash is not the place for flowers (or so he thinks…). To be able to go to these places and engrave on their things is a blast (and much more economically sound for my pockets in the long run).

This past weekend, I spent the bulk of my time engraving on Bib and Tucker Bourbon. I swear I’d have a difficult time finding a more elaborate canvas! The lettering on the front of the bottle is swoon-worthy by itself!

But, Josh Wines has been the mainstay of my engraving lately and I got to know the bottles pretty well.

Since the name on the label is already in script and feels visually heavier on the right for me, I always enjoy the challenge of finding just the right space for the engraving, or making it feel right with the label. Plus, the gold and silver fill plays off the labels and makes the bottles sing! 🥰

Mural, Magazine & Notebook Cover

In October, I got to share the magazine cover I did for Helpful Living Magazine. It was great to see me stretch my lettering muscles to see if I could create a cover that was useful and handsome at the same time. I also learned a little about licensing the work of other creatives to use in my own work.

That chalkboard is nice, right?! 👌🏾

This month, I’m unboxing a subscription box by Owl Crate Jr. in which I designed a notebook cover for subscribers based on…get this, a quote from Black Panther!!! ❤️

I’m a huge Marvel movies fan and I loved Black Panther! The quote I lettered was said by the character Shuri played by the beautiful Letitia Wright.

Just because something works doesn’t mean that it cannot be improved.

Shuri, Black Panther

I can’t tell you how much of a kick it is to see your work playing amongst the work of other artists in a curated box! Can’t wait to share the process of this later!

At some point, I may get to share the unveiling of a mural that I designed ( 🤯 ) at a local company in Delaware, so stay tuned for that.

New Relationships

There’s such a good balance of ying and yang in all this. I’ve had the opportunity to work with individuals, agencies for large and small lettering projects, agencies for events and others who work as entertainers in the event industry. With agencies, many times, you get to know one point of contact when there are opportunities that arise. But, most recently, I’ve also begun to meet “tasters” who work in the event industry.

I explained a little bit about what samplers (also called tasters) do in my last post. But, to recap, they set up the presentation, taste the product (they just swish briefly and spit), and are able to discuss the product that we are there to promote. I’ve met a few over the past month and they were my first experiences working alongside another while out engraving. Let me just say…

I’ve found that most of them are pretty fun and they make the time fly by!

Tasting is not always their primary career, although it can be a large part of it, especially if they serve more than one state or region. One of the samplers I’ve met, Candace, is also a singer, actress, and music instructor. Another sampler, Tiffany, is a collegiate professor. Yet another sampler is named Lucky. She is a small business owner and mother.

Usually, when I work with these ladies, I get to use the bottles they are sampling for practice to get my hands warm and check for any problems with my equipment. For these bottles, I try to make them look extra-special because they usually get the remainder of the bottle to take home. Besides that, it helps attract people to purchase the brand we are promoting. This past weekend, I had to hold the introvert in me hostage when a pretty nice-sized crowd gathered around us to see me engrave. I kept engraving and made small talk with those who asked questions about it while the taster continued to sell the actual product and the service to passersby. More than a few took home an engraved bottle, smiling from ear-to-ear. Together, we killed it! At the end of the day, it’s just a lot of fun, even while you’re working!

Samplers normally work for multiple companies too. So, it’s possible to expand the possibility of more opportunities for events as you get to know each other. Win-win!

Developing Skills

I’m feeling like my skills are getting better overall. This is probably a result of adding in calligraphy to the rotation. Now, the calligraphy tends to inform the lettering and vice versa whenever I’m creating a piece. For instance, my flourishes when I’m lettering are better because of studying calligraphy flourishes. On the other hand, as I add longer form calligraphy phrases into the mix, every once in a while, the composition from what I have learned in lettering so far is able to play a role. Even my signage at school is getting better! Below is a collaboration between my school daughter, the kindergarteners and myself.

I see potential for further successful collaborations here. 😊

New Opportunities

Most recently, I have been contacted for new opportunities like live-event calligraphy on Christmas ornaments. It’s pretty exciting stuff! I’ve been practicing here and there for the day of the event to keep my hands warm. I’ve probably bought every white Sharpie marker Michael’s stocked this past week. I apologize to my fellow Delawarean crafters…😬

I am probably going to go back for a few other colors too just in case.

You have my word…I promise to leave the marker aisle alone as soon as this event is over. 🖐🏾


To recap…In 2020, I started this blog in what we thought was to be the worst year ever. In a lot of ways, it was. There were very few bright spots in learning how to connect…coupled with a lot of setbacks, individually and collectively as a nation. But, then, 2021 basically told 2020 to hold his beer, pretty much right out the gate. But, here in 2022, my marker box is heavy and my heart is full.

Yes, this year has been good to me. 😌


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).



Lettering in the Holiday