My First Steps in Art Licensing

I just ventured into deep waters.

I can’t believe it! I did it! I just created a repeating pattern in Adobe Illustrator! If you’ve never done it before and you’re new to Illustrator, you really can’t appreciate the gravity of that statement until you try it. Basically, I have been through war and I’ve lived to tell you about it.

I wrote previously about getting bit by the bug of seeing my letters on things. Well, that got me thinking…I wonder if there’s a class for that? I’m a teacher. All teachers teach what they know or are trying to learn. Somebody, somewhere had to be doing this.

Well, lo and behold, a quick google search on the terms “art licensing” will show you there are a lot of somebodies doing it. But, I found one class in particular for lettering. It’s called Art Licensing for Letterers. It’s run by Ilana Griffo and Katie Johnson.
Apparently, art licensing is the art world’s best kept secret for creating passive income (a teacher could certainly use that). But, once upon a time, after graduating with another art degree, I remember ordering a book on Amazon about licensing art. Of course, at the time, there was the matter of securing a real job, paying real bills, supporting myself and raising children. Suffice it to say, reading that book never happened. But, fast forward to the crazy year that is 2020 and we have online videos! Don’t get me wrong. I love thumbing through a book (preferably looking at pretty pictures). But, for my lifestyle, videos are SO much more accessible since I can watch those while I do laundry or dishes…and I can rewatch any parts I need to anytime I want. Love it!

The Art Licensing Portfolio Builder comes with the class and is a year long endeavor. It has an accompanying Facebook Group for feedback on completed prompts as well. I just jumped into the Portfolio Builder at the most recent prompt that you see in the photos on this page. The prompt required a repeating pattern. No other lettering course I’ve had has ever required that! I knew this was going to be good! The Portfolio Builder has 100 prompts that seem to be very well thought out, and to do it any justice, it will require commitment and some real effort on the part of the student (like frfr effort). So, I can’t say I’ll be churning out pieces left and right because there’s some research involved for those that are new to licensing. I’m not even all that sure of when I’ll start the process of reaching out to buyers. But, the course is challenging and fun…and, whether we go back to traditional school in August or not, things won’t be getting back to anyone’s version of normal for awhile yet anyway. So, I’m down for the ride.

Or, couldn’t you tell? ;)


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Portfolio Building


4 Awesome Classes for Learning Lettering & Calligraphy