My Birthday Turn Up

I use the words “turn up” loosely.

I’m certain that my idea of turning up is not turning up in the traditional sense of the word. But, when you’ve gotten back into the thick of work-and work is teaching, any break from the normal rigor of the work week constitutes a turn up in my book…and it usually looks a little toned down to everyone else (because they don’t know any better).

For my birthday weekend, I browsed the local Barnes & Noble for a new book, dumped a few I couldn’t find there in my Amazon cart to wait until I simultaneously have the money and guts to place the order, browsed etsy for a new pencil case, ran some errands at a jamillion different stores (that’s a real number, by the way), and re-upped my pens at Michael’s…because a birthday without a trip to Michael’s is just not a birthday at all, did some problem-solving for getting some more lettering into my day this school year, and I did some sketching.

If you don’t know by now, the party with all of my work happens in my IG Stories. I made this selection of choices for this sketch and shared it in my stories there. I’ve made some friends there that wished me a happy birthday. Along with the birthday wishes from my friends and family, and from those near and far on FB throughout the day, my heart was glad that folks took a moment to wish me a happy birthday.

To the naked eye, none of this may seem like much. But, this past couple weeks back to school have been pretty rigorous. I think any teacher coming off the heels of a lazy summer needs to rebuild the muscle memory necessary to return to work. That’s what the usual week of professional development is before the kids re-enter the building (and my school had two weeks of it this year). But, anyone knows that attempting to build muscle mass too fast is a recipe for disaster.

So, with my birthday being at the start of a school year, I used it this year to slow back down a taste, if for nothing but a day.

Yep…A little shopping…a little drawing…a little peace. Now that’s my idea of a party! 👸🏾


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

How To Fit More Lettering Into Your Day and a Mini-Review


Improvisation : DIY Chalkboard Lettering Process