I Got Featured!

I got featured by one of my favorite lettering platforms!

Talk about dreams!

When I started trying to learn lettering again, seeing all the beautiful compositions was inspiring…and mildly intimidating. It’s so difficult not to compare yourself to others. Even though it’s a totally unfair comparison when you’re looking at artists that have been doing it for years, you wind up doing it anyway and guessing the number of eons it’ll take you to get to make work remotely comparable. It sucks. But I think it’s human to go through that. Getting past that initial self-doubt is a life skill that all artists have to develop. I teach this to the kids in my classroom, so I may as well take my own advice. I’ll just have to be satisfied to grow at my own pace and enjoy the journey.

At any rate, one of my FAVORITE sources for lettering inspiration is @calligraphymasters. All the work on their feed is super awesome and I never dreamed I’d ever see my work on it. Lettering Daily, one of the largest platforms on lettering also posted it.

Crazy, right?!

I’m still holding out to see something denouncing racism or in solidarity with those who denounce racism on the LD feed. If you find one, please send it to me because I’ve always loved the site! In spite of that, I’m very appreciative of the mention.

The phrase that was to be lettered for Day 19 is “Patience is a Virtue”. In this case, that’s true since I was prepared to wait forever to see my work on those platforms! My focus has been on giving myself a brain break from all the other things I could be consumed by…and just enjoying the process of learning and figuring myself out with this form of expression. One day I try something in calligraphy and the next I do lettering…Whichever feels right for that day. Devoting enough time to do it every day is a struggle and can cause some things to get out of sorts in other parts of my day. But, it’s very rewarding to see myself grow and these features (or mentions, or whatever IG calls them) have been the icing on top of the cake!

At this point, I only have about 10 more days to go on this challenge. I just want to be able to see it through even with the other projects I have on my plate. It has been good for me and I can’t wait to see where I am by the end of it!


That’s right. :)


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).




Juneteenth 2020