Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to All the Teachers (Except One)

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week!

And I’m missing it all. I’ve been home with my daughter for a few weeks, so I’m missing all the festivities going on at my school…and for a year like this one, still working…teachers need the appreciation, you know? That’s why I thought I’d make this little tribute to all the teachers in the world that worked during this pandemic.

Except for Howard Zlotkin.

If you don’t know, Howard Zlotkin is one of the latest stories about how a teacher abuses his or her authority in the classroom. But, in 2021, he’s not alone. Teachers like that are harmful to all students, regardless of their color. It’s evidenced in the fact that their students grow up to be parents with issues about their own children learning critical race theory now when they don’t, nor ever had, that same energy for students learning about slavery.

It’s amazing how things hit you when they’re on your own doorstep…And how far we still have to go in 2021, even in teaching our students what the meaning is behind a concept so simple as the Golden Rule.

As a youth advisor a few years ago for a local non-profit, I taught programs on self-respect, self-awareness, teen dating violence, girl’s programs for college readiness, etc. But, the one program that was not welcomed by schools in this area were the workshops on diversity. It’s considered a hot topic that folks would rather leave out of the classroom. I agree with that when it’s biased (or even well-meaning, but severely misguided) teachers teaching it. Not-so-much with adequate programming from the greater community.

The problem is, race is always an elephant in the middle of the classroom. It’s there…even in the most subtle of ways, producing the violent cycles that we see occurring over and over again in our society. Ignoring it only makes the elephant angrier.

Fortunately, Mr. Zlotkin’s daughter reacted with grace toward the situation…which means there’s still hope that a future generation will finally get it right.

Until that time comes, here are some tools to help:

  • Learning for Justice (also known as Teaching Tolerance) - Free resources for educators to create more inclusive communities.

  • PBS.org - PBS regularly publishes content on anti-racism. Check this link out also.

  • ISTE list - A list of 9 resources to include in your anti-racism toolbelt.

Teachers, in your efforts to perfect your craft, don’t be a Zlotkin.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!


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