Finding Style in Lettering

I have a thing for old-looking stuff, old-sounding songs, and signs of wear.

When I think of style in anyone’s artwork or design, for me it has to do with the kinds of choices they make consistently over time to organize lines, shapes, color, space, textures, etc.

That said, when I think back to all the years of trying to find myself or my style, I still can’t pinpoint this propensity toward things that have an aged feel to them. But, I know that while I like new clothes, I’d rather thrift. I’m not flashy, even when I get dolled up…I like something a little more understated. While, I love lush color, my first impulse is to dull it, at least a little. I know that I love all kinds of letters, but I like perusing vintage styles most. I own all of this.

It seems the signs that show us who we are are usually standing around somewhere.

We need only pay attention.


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Happy Birthday In Advance!


Express Yourself