Every Day?

Wow. This challenge is every day, including Saturdays and Sundays.

When I signed up for a lettering challenge, I was already lettering or doing some form of practice every day. But I donโ€™t show everybody those things. They are my ugly ducklings alone. But, I quickly found out that in a lettering challenge, you are supposed to post consistently. Every day. At least, ideally. While I canโ€™t say that posting a piece every day is within my comfort zone, I can say that I may be developing skills a lot quicker because I have to present something every โ€œdayโ€. The word day is used very loosely hereโ€ฆ.more like every 24 hoursโ€ฆor so.

My iPad lettering normally starts off in my sketchbook as a rough sketch that I photograph with my phone and clean up in Procreate on my iPad.

To do this, I take a photo straight on. Then, I use an app called Background Eraser to get rid of the grid from my sketchbook or whatever background I have in the drawing.

Depending on what kind of time Iโ€™m working with, I may use a monoline brush to trace the drawing over again to smooth over any rickety edges. Between the beginning and the end, I tighten things up that I just canโ€™t live withโ€ฆmaybe add some different colors, and then add some finishes to it like what is seen in the first image in Procreate (loving textures latelyโ€ฆ.The subtler textures seen in that first image and in the video below are by True Grit Texture Supply โค๏ธ).

I donโ€™t think I initially realized that every day would be such a challenge since weโ€™re mostly in the house. But, oh my God, it really is! Iโ€™m often up late at night just trying not to peter out in the first half of the challenge! ๐Ÿ˜‚

I actually have a decent set up to use for photos in the daytime, even if it is in my basement. I have lighting that I can also use at night. But, since I like daylight best, my one saving grace for posting my iPad lettering projects at night is mockups (I know the IG algorithm hates it. Iโ€™ve just decided for this challenge, I donโ€™t care. ). Currently, my favorite mockups are by Custom Scene. Most of their products are created for PSD which I use for other things. But, they have a Procreate Watercolor Scene Creator that I had to have because thatโ€™s the app I use so much for lettering. I also got a bundle that included some other items because I use some of the technical gear in the package-and I like options. I actually want one with Tombows, Pentel Fude Touch, Pocket, and Aquash brushes tooโ€ฆOh, and a choice of using a black/brown personโ€™s hand (what a novel idea in 2020) would be really nice lol. But this Procreate version was a really thoughtful start and I love them for it! They even have some ready made scenes that you can just add your lettering to immediately.

Overall, theyโ€™re just fun to use and make it easy to develop a consistent feed that goes with the rest of my lettering projects, even at night. Woohoo!

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I still havenโ€™t figured out whether Iโ€™m going to restrict myself to calligraphy or lettering onlyโ€ฆI do believe in setting challenges and restrictions to increase creativity. But, Iโ€™m just going to throw out that particular rule for now. Iโ€™m just having too much fun!


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Weirdo Alert!

