
Challenges abound.

Instagram may have as many lettering challenges as our country has riots right now. I spent so much time following the stories on social media, I had to find something else to occupy my mind for at least part of the day.

It’s crazy because I want to know what’s going on…But, at some point, I have to protect my mental health. When you have to again explain online why Black Lives Matter even after the video…it’s exhausting.

Lettering Daily is one of the biggest resources I’ve found for learning lettering. I am currently on their email list for updates. They recently sent an email for a challenge that didn’t seem at all related to what’s going on in the world…and may be verging on being extremely tone deaf (given that a black man was just killed on video by white police officers taking a knee on him…and one of them on his neck). But, a periodic look away is kind of what I, personally, needed right now…and since Calligraphy Masters (thankfully) blacked out for #blackouttuesday, I’ll keep with the challenge for now. But, moving forward, I may be unsubscribing from Lettering Daily, unfortunately.

One thing that has become increasingly clear is that, as a black woman and mother to a young adult, black son and a daughter with special needs, I really want to know who my supporters are versus those who seem complicit. While I hope that LD is far from that, until I can clearly see it for myself, I’ll maintain a safe distance. Once I’m sure, I’ll know how to respond. Maybe the person running LD is still in shock over it all. Who knows? But, if their accounts can address a worldwide pandemic like Covid 19 and not this ages-old, global sickness (because it’s considered “too political” to address racism and the world valuing black, human lives), I’m just not down. At a time like this, it just matters.

For now, these are my first couple submissions to this challenge.

Day 1

Day 2

My second challenge was a little shorter and showed me just how aged my eyes have gotten. At the same time, I couldn’t let #blackouttuesday go by with a challenge like #goodtypegeorgefloyd and not show my respect. In another year, when I hope to have leveled up my lettering skills and got my prescription updated for my eyewear, I’ll come across it and will hopefully sigh with relief that justice was finally done. For once.

As for today, I’ll watch and wait with the rest of the world for what happens next and go back to taking one challenge at a time.

Sigh. I wonder what level of Jumanji we’re in now.


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Every Day?


Teacher Time: Wishing Good Luck to Students in the Time of COVID