Engraving for the Holidays

I like to keep things simple.

I’ve been engraving a lot of wine bottles for my most recent live events, so it just made sense to give some engraved holiday gifts as my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner this year.

Cooking is not the easiest of tasks for me. I have a few dishes that I can make well and I can tweak a bland recipe to my liking on the second go ‘round…I usually get rave reviews for my deviled eggs. But, for the big, family meals where you want everyone “fat and happy”, I like to leave it to the experts in the family, if at all possible.

The experts this year were my sisters-in-law. I was so grateful for a stressless holiday that I engraved each of them (and one of-age niece) that would be at the gathering a personalized wine bottle, along with some other nice-looking additions to their bar.

I say ‘nice-looking’ because I know very little about alcohol…or much else for that matter.

Earlier in my life, my family made me pretty resistant to becoming attached to any alcoholic or herb-like vice by letting me try them. You could say it was very irresponsible because it definitely could’ve gone differently. But, when you’re…oh, eight and ask for a sip of beer because all your adults are chugging and drowning those delicious crabs in it, so it must be lit…and then your mouth fills up with liquid that tastes like burnt peanuts,…you just tend to grow up without issue.

I didn’t try another anything until I was twenty-six and if I do indulge, I usually keep it pretty basic. I’ve also learned that I should try anything new at home since I either start laughing my head off or fall straight to sleep. There seems to be no in-between with me. 😬

But, when I engrave wine bottles, I have had a sampler with me. A sampler is responsible for representing and selling the brand we are there to engrave. They usually set up the display so that customers are able to sample the items we are selling, easily purchase them, and have them custom engraved while they are shopping. They are also required to be educated about the items they are selling so that, if asked for further information, they can provide it on-the-spot. This is great, because, you may have guessed, they could learn almost nothing from me.

I’m going to smile, engrave your bottle and smile again. 🤷🏽‍♀️

But, a few of these items I’ve engraved here got some rave reviews from the sampler I worked with most recently.

I purchased these and on my holiday break, I engraved half the bottles the night before and the other half on the morning of Thanksgiving in my pj’s. Since I was home, there was a lot less pressure. So, I tried a few new things like the leaves above…which honestly, looking at it in photos, I like it in marker too. Takes mental note.

While I’m sure they all have their favorite type of beverage they’d prefer to drink over all others, I can say they were all pretty handsome! They got quite a few compliments…and my husband talked them up the whole time. I nearly blushed! I just love how calligraphy engraving can elevate so many gifts. ❤️

Have a look at the whole set in the video below.

Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your friends and family! 🥰


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Lettering in the Holiday


Sunday Thoughts: Engraving and New Wine