Community Makes The Difference

My last event was probably the funnest I have ever had!

I was hired to do bottle painting at Nordstrom at the King of Prussia Mall on Friday evening. When I arrived, I was told I’d be joining the engraver that night.

Lo and behold, look at who it was!

It wasn’t planned… But, for my first time joining another calligrapher for an event, it was Marie from Maiden September! 🥰

Marie and I met about a year ago. We both had our first live event on the same day and found out we lived too close not to meet up. So, we went out for brunch. She was so down-to-earth and such an encouraging person, that I just really liked her right away. At the time, I was experiencing imposter syndrome since I hadn’t been a calligrapher that long. Marie had already been active in the wedding calligraphy space and I was just getting started. But, she was super encouraging…And, she was also really knowledgeable about marketing and getting business as a calligrapher. I’ve even had an awesome one-on one-coaching session with her since then that helped me gain clarity on how to move my business forward.

I’m sure I would’ve gotten on great with any other calligrapher. But, for my first time working alongside another calligrafriend, it was perfect.

That night, in between serving Nordstrom’s visitors, drinking mimosas, and possibly getting hired as a duo in the future for a private party (🙌🏾), we chatted the night away, geeking over the other’s gear, sharing calligraphers we admire with accents, telling everyone the other is amazing…and discussing manly smells. (Yes, you read that right!)

And look what I got! 😍

Swoon. 😍

Sometimes, it’s so difficult to believe that I get to do these events. So, instead of pinching myself and the feeling wearing off later, I always try to take a souvenir of some kind home with me. That night, I had intended to purchase a Dior lipstick to use for my portfolio…a twofer.

Then I thought…Wait a minute…I work these events, but I have never had a personalization done for myself by a calligrapher (Well, a calligrapher beside myself. 😬)…And, who better for my first personalization than Maiden September? So, I asked her! Well, it was more like I said I was about to get me a lipstick engraved by Maiden September before we left about a jamillion times. 😂

Naturally, she joked around saying, “You could do this yourself.” Annnddd…I basically asked her what her point was. 😂

Besides, she’s an engravers engraver, y’all. When it comes down to it, she will engrave anything she can get her hands on too! You can catch her little happy dance just before using the engraver in the video above. I loved and will never forget seeing that! ❤️ As calligraphers and artists, we can collect a lot of stuff. But, it’s just as important to collect memories, and not just things. 😌

On top of that, I have my own engraving at home that I can see at any time. And, I personally think it should be a thing to collect work from fellow calligraphers and artists we admire. It happens in fine art all the time.

And…Do you know that as of this writing, I’m the only person who owns a lipstick engraved by Maiden September?

Well, now you know. 😉

I toyed around with making it a collaborative item and adding some painted florals. But, I’m a purist. Maybe next time we could do a collab. For now, this one is an original! I’m sure it won’t be her last time engraving a lipstick. But, I’ll always have the first one! And, really….Does anyone else’s really count after that? 🤷🏾‍♀️

I’m just playing! Kinda. 😉

While I will almost always wish I could work a little longer at these events because they just tend to be fun for me, this time, I wished I had had an extra hour because I just wasn’t ready to go at all! But, the event started late in the evening as it was and I had to get home safely, knowing full well I could get lost going around the corner…so much so that I actually have a running joke with myself, and it goes like this: I am, by far, the quickest way to get you lost. 😂

True Story.

Well, it wasn’t until I was leaving that I realized I hadn’t even painted the practice bottles I had brought with me. I was a little distracted. 😬

But, I fixed that the next day.

There’s not always a tester bottle available. So, sometimes, I just take my own with me, as long as it won’t offend. I was there for all brands that night, so, I felt comfortable bringing the bottles I had to show possible florals I could do for guests.

I got these bottles from Ms. Rogers, one of my favorite paraprofessionals in my school community. She’s hard-working, helpful and a generous soul. She helped me successfully complete a large project last school year and I adore her for it. She also knows I do events and she brought in some bottles for me to keep for practice.

And that got me thinking…Community is what helps us all succeed. It makes the difference in whether the careers and tasks we choose are done with drudgery or joy. Be sure you connect with some positive, like-minded folks in whatever community you’re part of. Certainly makes life way more fulfilling and fun! 🥰

In the spirit of sharing with the community, I have listed a few favorite items that Marie and I had on our tables that night. Try them out and see what you think!

Fave Live Event Supplies

Black Mat - For the accident prone among us (🙋🏾‍♀️), a black, matte, silicon mat for painting with a little lip for accidental liquid spills. It’s made for espresso machines, and if it can prevent that kind of spillage, it’s got to be worth something. I’ve not had a spill yet, thankfully…But, I’m glad that little lip is there just the same. 😅

QR Code Sign - This cute QR code sign is just tiny enough to fit on a desk…And if you load it with a link to your digital biz card, you can keep working while folks take all your info along with them. I love it!

Cordless Table Lamp - Marie had this gorgeous lamp on her desk! This one is sleek, will fit any luxury aesthetic, and doesn’t need a cord at all.

Table Trash Can - Marie had the cutest trash can on her table! I almost never remember to ask for one. I don’t know how I’m going to fit that in my box. But it’s a must-have from now on!

Last, but not least, you need to get you a Marie in your state…This one is mine! 😉


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Sweater Weather


Practice Makes Knowledgeable