Calligraphy and Networking in the Live Event Community

It’s Summer Break, y’all

My most goal-busting time of the year! 💪🏾

And, let me just say, as a teacher that has spent nearly an entire school year feeling burnt out (could you tell?), I’m so happy to be OFF!!!

I won’t go into how well-deserved summer break is for teachers, since I assume, after school-at-home on the extended pandemic plan, y’all should know. But, this summer is particularly welcome since I also gained a class this past year.

Not one to let a little thing like exhaustion deter me from artistic pursuits, the day after my last teacher day, I began my break with a live event for Dior at Nordstrom in the King of Prussia Mall.

While I’m sure I didn’t think much about the timing when I accepted the event...

...I was fortunate that the event was laid back...and I even fostered a sale for the brand!

I was there to calligraph messages on some really, handsome postcards. 😍

But, since I was set up next to a machine engraver, I got to see up-close and personal, the differences between hand-engraving and machine engraving.

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I believe that most calligraphers who engrave by hand and some version of a rotary drill would agree that hand-engraving allows for a variety of more expressive work (see this TikTok here). Even I agree with that. But, I can also see a place for machine engraving for those who are more comfortable with familiar typefaces. Not long ago, I had an elderly customer who requested Roman Capitals to be engraved into her compact case. I obliged and was grateful that I also knew how to letter. 😅

The machine engraver was staffed by, Tracie, a Dior Brand Ambassador. I really enjoyed working with her. And I may have stepped up to the plate for my first steps networking...

I’m not much of a networking expert. I learn as I go. But, I do know that it’s important to furthering your career.

The model I like using for networking is one that I first heard years ago by a community of creatives created by a company called, Honeybook. The model is basically ‘Community Over Competition’. I loved that idea because competition has always been icky for me and I avoid it like the plague.

In this day and age, if you are working in a niche market, you often have to network with peers just to find a community with like interests. Bonus points if the community happens to be inviting. Shout out to all the friends I’ve made in the lettering and calligraphy community. They’ve all been so welcoming and supportive. ❤️ Best community ever!

The problem with networking for me is, while I can remember student names in a classroom pretty easily, remembering people I don’t see or interact with on a regular basis can be tough for me without attaching them to their story. So, I make an effort now to try to make connections, in-person. It’s a new, life skill for me. 🙈

That day, Tracie floated back and forth from the Dior counter and the machine engraver. I alternated between the desk to calligraph and the aisle for visibility. We chatted. We showed customers to the restroom and elevators. We encouraged shoppers to check out what we were there to do. And, we talked briefly about our personal histories and our careers. I learned that it’s not just teachers that have aspirations...

Tracie, not only staffs the machine engraver, but she is also a professional makeup artist who works in production. If you don’t know what production is, then you would be just like me. 😂

But, while we chatted, I learned that production is makeup for people who will be in front of a for television shows or film. Although she was primarily there to handle the machine engraver, she even had a bag on her hip that carried all of her brushes and tools for makeup. I couldn’t help noticing her makeup looked so natural and fresh, but barely she must be good at it! I imagined if the Dior counter got suddenly busy, she’d be an additional expert on the floor.

I also learned Tracie, who currently resides in Pennsylvania, is bringing some of her services to Delaware. She’ll be at the Christiana Mall alternating select days between Sephora and Macy’s over the next couple weeks. Go check her out!

And, once you’re done there, come out to visit me at Towson Town Center! I have another event planned coming up this Saturday where I’ll get to be your engraver again!

There’s certainly enough opportunity to go around for all of us! 😌


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Personalization: Not Generic


Making Memorable Gifts