Done…Still Better Than Perfect: Women’s History Month

Ending the month with a gentle reminder from my Forever First Lady.

There’s no limit to what we as women can accomplish. ~Michelle Obama

But, there may be time limits to some things that some of us will just never meet…Like my WHM project.

Sometimes, I choose to do some portraiture for my bulletin board at school. It was a skill I was successful with as a young artist and it inspires the students. The students love to see themselves in a drawing, even if it’s only a few of them. Most of the adults love that it’s done with a few left over art room pastels and sidewalk chalk.

But, I only do these occasionally for big holidays. Forty-something year old eyes can only handle so much anymore…

The first time I did this was before the pandemic for BHM.

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This time, I wanted to draw girls from the different nationalities we have in our population at my school. I’ve been showing updates of the project in my IG Stories since I started.

To our surprise, we actually found we have more nationalities than what is shown here from regions we couldn’t have guessed. But, that time thing got in the way…

It’s okay though since I don’t think this drawing can take another droplet of water from fourth graders shaking freshly washed hands over it, smudges from sixth graders trying to see if it’s ‘real’ chalk, or the general mishaps that go along with a typical school day in the art room.

Not to mention, attempting to get a task like this done in between classes in five to ten minute intervals for the last three weeks may have been a case study in madness. 🤪

Although having drawn this in perspective will likely have me make some last second changes when this is finally up, Imma call it a wrap. Done is, many times, better than perfect.

Here we have three middle schoolers posing as author, Helen Keller, famous, Nigerian pharmacist Dora Akunyili, and the first Latina Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor, consecutively. And, thankfully, even though WHM is over, we are going into Career Week at my school where this drawing can still find some relevance.

Overall, I think it drives home the point that a woman can have any career she chooses…the options for what we can be or do are limitless.

See? Strong ladies already know this. 😂🥰❤️

Now, if we can just get some of them to meet their deadlines. 🙋🏾‍♀️


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