The Trap of the Algorithm

Or maybe it’s just me.

I posted this recently because, one, it was funny (well, to me)…and, two, I think it’s relatable.

All of us have times where life just gets in the way of the things you enjoy doing…or even things you need to do. But, social media is one of those fuzzy in-betweens for many of us. It has its own set of rules, and if you want to socialize, you have to play by them to a certain extent.

But, in no way do I think an algorithm should be able to control how we feel about ourselves, our work or what have you.

I had to remember this the last time I thought I was taking too long to post. The guilt trip it tries to produce is really some external pressure I put on myself that just isn’t necessary.

I watched some videos recently by @stephsayshello where she gave a little studio tour and another vid of her as she was packaging and asked folks if they were tired of seeing it. Um….no! I love her feed! It looks JUST like her and her work. If she vomitted, it would look just like her feed. I’ve always admired that kind of thing.

I’ve also always felt that the things we collect and surround ourselves with says a lot about us. It made me look around myself so that I could reflect on what’s important to me. Obviously, being creative…my folks…and learning new stuff…and maybe coffee.

For some of us, the algorithm helps our bottom lines with our businesses, and it’s understandable that learning how to use it to our advantage is crucial.

But, let’s not let the algorithm gods guilt us or make us forget what’s truly important.


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

5 Tips for Bouncing Back from Creative Burn Out


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