Resolving to be Thankful in 2021

It’s finally here!!

It’s the first day of 2021 and I’m so thankful it is!

This past year was a hot mess! But, at the same time, there were some highlights. I’ll recount some of my blessings:

  • I began my lettering journey again and started this blog.

  • I’ve become part of some great lettering communities including the Craymunity and Typism. 🥰

  • I even made some friends online which made being in the house this year, even as a happy introvert, that much more pleasant in spite of the challenges.

  • Last but not least, at the end of this year, I married my best friend. ❤️

No, 2020 wasn’t all bad and moving into this next year, I resolve to be thankful for all I have .

Here’s hoping for a healthy, happy year for all!


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Lettering : Setting Goals With Intention


Merry Christmas! (A Scribble And A Jingle)