Pressing Pause

Sometimes, it’s just necessary to press pause.

In anything, the rests are just as important as the work. In re-committing to learn handlettering and calligraphy (and by extension, Instagram), I had been posting almost every day since the pandemic started. And, most of my posts have tended to the encouraging and happier side.

But, when my daughter had one, then two seizures, I went into maintenance mode.

I also shared a bit of it in my feed and made some posts that were a little less happy and bubbly. And that’s okay.

I am still hosting the 20 Minutes Of Cray “This or That” challenge…

If you follow the challenge, you may have seen how this word created with a kids marker was digitized and used to make the lettering over the photo below for Team Pancakes (of which I am a proud member).

I’m also still doing online classes, working on my licensing portfolio, and posting to my own account in my Stories or on my feed when I’m up to it…

But, right now, I’m kicking back and celebrating a seizure-free week. ❤️🙏🏾❤️


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Bettering Your Lettering: What You Need to Know


Happy Birthday In Advance!