Sunday Thoughts: Own It

The power of words can change our lives.

"Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What's important is the action. You don't have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow." - Carrie Fisher

The first time I was called a “lettering artist”, it was by Colin Tierney when I hosted the Crayligraphy account for Black History month. I respect Colin’s work so much, it felt like an honor…and, inside, I was jumping for joy. 🥰 But, at the same time, I was shaking in my boots!

For all the things I studied in art school, lettering and type were nowhere on my schedule. I was a painter, period. That made me feel like maybe lettering was a stretch for me.

But, I bottled those feelings and chose to downplay them in my own head. Yet, the same feelings visited me again a couple weeks ago when I showed my work with Sherita Tyhana.

Then I realized it…As long as I don’t address the monkey on my back, it will keep on harassing me. Maybe not every day. But definitely during the times that mean the most.

And they’re just no fun…And I like fun. Ok…So, I’ll never say my version of fun is shared by all…

But…it’s who I am.

Every life has ups and downs, to be sure. But, at this stage of my life, I refuse to live day in and day out, not enjoying myself or battling negativity on any regular basis. Negative thoughts and emotions are just not permitted, IF I can help them.

And these…I can help.

Interestingly enough, last week, I was listening to a well-known minister talk about “owning it” and the fear involved when you don’t. I felt like the message was speaking directly to my dilemma. I decided to take his advice and I’ve been saying “own it” to myself ever since…and it’s beginning to take root.

I guess, some things, you just have to do before you’re ready to convince your brain it’s okay. Dominique Falla of Typism explains a little about it in her new class, Creative Funnel Formula. She talks about how our brain overreacts sometimes as it tries to protect us from things that are unfamiliar to us. While it’s natural, it’s not always helpful.

And after hearing that, do you know what? I remembered that it wasn’t the first time anyone ever tried to break it down to me.

Once upon a time, my first painting teacher directed me to Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. She describes a similar phenomena as a hilarious (and obscenely named 😂🤣🙏🏾😇) radio station that is constantly playing in your head singing your praises in one ear and your atrocities in the other, all the while preventing you from moving forward and being productive.

Obviously, this has been a lifelong problem for me that needed it’s day of reckoning.

This is really just plain, old fear. Did you know the Bible directs us to “fear not” over 100 times in the King James Version alone? It’s true. Apparently, God knew it would be a problem and that we’d feel it. It just was never meant to stop us.

After giving all this some thought, I’ve changed some of my descriptions on my social accounts to actually say “lettering artist”…And while it still has yet to grow on me, I’m glad I did it because, eventually, as the OG Princess Leah, aka, Carrie Fisher says, it will.

Most recently, Colin sent me a request to be a moderator of the Crayligraphy Lettering Community. I thought it was really cool to have their vote of confidence for that! Maybe I’ll see you readers over there becoming lettering artists too some time.

Did you see that? I think I just grew a little there. 🤔


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

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