Holiday Lettering - Merry Christmas 2021

The Merriest of Christmas’ to you. ♥️

It’s not yet New Years, but as gruelingly slow as the past two years have gone, it’s hard to believe it’s already Christmas Day!

I don’t know what was on your list, but I just wanted some time to relax with zero emergencies and no need to rush…anywhere. Thankfully, so far, I’m getting that. 🙏🏾 If you have been following along, you know that I even decided I would take it easy on myself with my Christmas lettering this holiday.

I’ve been using my iPad to make a few digital pieces of art that I could use in a digital card or print. I used Punchbowl to deliver my cards this year. I also used one of the images in our school newsletter (two birds, one stone).

You see, the beauty of having a well-populated gallery in your Procreate App is being able to riff off older pieces of work…or even just repost them from time to time. I haven’t reposted older work yet. But, this year, I afforded myself some more time to put my feet up by updating my Christmas lettering from last year.

I changed the composition around by moving the ‘Merry’ above ‘Christmas’…I re-drew the ‘M’ in “Merry’ since it no longer fit above the word “Christmas’…and I added “To You” to balance it all, keeping as close to the original lettering style and brushes I was using constantly at that time…my how things change over time.

Finally, I added some music and snow fall to a short video because I’m really feeling fake snow lately.

It worked out perfectly!

Of course, then, I went and animated it…which made this post a day late…and kind of defeated the purpose. 🤦🏾‍♀️

But I enjoyed every second of it!

Here’s to wishing you and yours a wonderfully peaceful and happy holiday season too. ♥️


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Practice Makes Progress and Purpose: Handlettering for the New Year


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