International Women’s Day 2021 (the With Kids Version)

I spent the day with my kids.

Meaning…I literally drew letters in circles all day with my kids in my virtual classroom while simultaneously trying to convince the one I have at home (…the one that thinks she’s grown) to calm down, be safe and stop running back and forth across the room, laughing her head off.

I didn’t get to spend the day praising the virtues of the women who came before me. I didn’t get to stalk the accounts of those who are posting about the women who paved the way for me to become the woman I am today (although I got to visit a few between classes…and you can see some awesome posts of that here , here and here 😉).

That all would’ve been nice too, I’m sure.

No, I just spent the day being a woman…working, caring for my family, rolling my back across an activity ball…and just being my phenomenal self.

Yep. It was a good day. 👍🏾


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Teacher Time: If You Want To Learn Something, Teach It Yourself


History Is Herstory Too (A Process Video)