He Is Risen

Happy Resurrection Day!

It’s a happy day today because He got up for us so that we could live new lives…

…and have fun!

I’ve long since come to terms with the fact that God builds us all different. We all get excited by different things. I get excited by being creative. Oftentimes, I have to find ways to do it on the job.

But, right now, it’s spring break!

To be quite honest, there’s a lot going on around me and spring break is not without its issues. But, I’m determined to have a great break in spite of it. I’ve earned it.

And He arose to give me new life! In the middle of everything, I get a fresh start.

So, I’m just allowing each day to unfold and purposing to find joy in it. Yesterday, it came in the form of a lettering project.
I’ve been following the #30DaysOfBibleLettering Challenge. Day Two gave us Psalm 145:9. I drew it in pencil and then decided to digitize it, only half thinking about what I’d do with it afterward…

I hadn’t used my iPad in a while for lettering. But it’s still fun! I drew this and colored it a few times.

Then, I decided to take the design a step further…

In honor of the holiday, I decided to sublimate the design onto some mugs for my mothers using a printer I converted into a sublimation printer last week using this video, a Cricut Explore Machine and a Cricut Mug Press. There’s some other supplies needed and some steps I’m going to totally skip over (see this video for a brief how-to)…but that’s the gist of it.

What do you think?

I made two mugs with my own lettering on them that I’m filling with candies before my mothers get to have them. But, this was such a great project that I felt the beginning of a renewal when I was finished!

Isn’t that new life what this holiday is all about anyway? 🥰

I hope you find your own new life this Resurrection Day!


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Why Is Everything in Pencil?


Day 2 - God Is Good