Handlettering the Quote of the Day: Be The Light

The past couple weeks have been whoa. 😳

I shared this piece of lettering above after having spent some time at the hospital with my daughter. It’s a little wonky….but I was feeling a little wonky at the time I did it and it’s a personal piece, so I’m okay with that.
That message though! I needed it and I hope a few of you out there were able to use it too.
But, you know…after every declaration, there’s a test, right? Yup…
Right in the middle of me trying to stay positive, today, due to my daughter’s current health status, her childcare was abruptly discontinued. It was understandable given the challenges. Still, I thought I might have to resign on a moment’s notice. Not fun…and definitely not desired or affordable. Fortunately, the administration chose to allow me to teach from home.
Having enough favor with my employers to keep my job is such a blessing!

I know there are educators all over the world that are feeling the pain of this pandemic, but don’t have an administration that supports them. I see it all the time in teacher Facebook groups. I feel for them even while I’m doing my own little, happy dance inside.
Since today was my last day on-site for awhile, I had a loose end I wanted to tie up…

My school is an arts integration school that is patterned after The Lab School of Washington. When I first interviewed, I was told that the art teacher plays a pivotal role in the school. This kind of school places an emphasis on hiring artists as the art teachers. Often, I get called upon to use my skills around the building for inspiration. This time, the school nurse asked me to collaborate on a project involving lettering some words from the poem read on Inauguration Day by Amanda Gorman. I’m sure you know them…

For there is always light,

if only we're brave enough to see it

If only we're brave enough to be it

Amanda Gorman

I loved her idea! She wanted me to scribble a portrait and some letters as a backdrop for lanterns with our students names on them adorning her hallway.
Letters and a portrait? I can do that…and for all the support I’ve gotten, I wanted to do a decent scribble with the time I had.
The drawing started yesterday.

Tonight, I stayed a little longer before I had to dash out to get to my kid.

I hope this inspires them for a bit until I can get back on my post. 🙏🏾
Wherever you are, like Ms. Gorman said, “Be brave enough to be the light.” ❤️


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Work In Progress: Lettering Unbought and Unbossed


Did You Wear Your Pearls That Day?