Everything Is Awesome

I’m out somewhere being awesome…Or at the very least, trying to be.

As part of the village where we help raise tiny humans, I’m doing my best to be awesome in my own corner of the world.

Honestly, sometimes I feel like there’s not enough coffee in the day to even get to awesome. But, then I happen upon a student who is feeling like me…Whatever his or her coffee is, it just ain’t gonna be enough today.

Take Travis, for instance (fake name to protect his identity). I saw him at morning duty this morning looking like he wasn’t here for it.

I asked him what was wrong and Travis said, “I don’t want to be at school today…”

I said, “Me either! What are we going to do about it?”

After he shrugged. I asked him what does he do to make himself happier…and I told him that I like to draw.

Travis said, “I like drawing, but I don’t get to do it in class because the teacher doesn’t let me do it during class time.”

I frowned and said, “Same with my class. Most times, everyone else gets to draw but me!”

Then, I showed him this awesome video of a drawing I was doing on my iPad and he seemed to like it. Since he liked that, I showed him the cards I had printed from it too.

His eyes were wide as he said, “Wow! That’s so cool!”

So, I let him take the awesome card with him. Maybe it will be the coffee that powers him through his morning.

If you’ve been keeping up, I’m building this awesome collection of cards for students having a tough time like him. Just never know when these cards can come in handy. Acclimating to school every day after a pandemic year is not easy!

These cards are pretty awesome to have around. 👍🏾


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Drawing Inspiration


What Should I Letter?