Getting Work in Lettering and Calligraphy

I’m a bit all over the place at the moment.

At least it’s all letters, right?

I’ve been putting letters everywhere using anything I can get my hands on anymore.

In my defense, it’s nearing the end of the school year…I made it successfully to and through the annual exhibition at school and an Open House, both within a week of each other…that’s no easy feat.

And do you think I’d kick back for the rest of the school year?

The answer is no.

I have scheduled another event forJuly where I’ll be engraving fragrance bottles at the Christiana Mall (super excited about that and I hope to see you there, if you’re a local resident!)…Plus, I may have another job after a phone call that is scheduled to happen early this week…

It’s such a blessing to have your work noticed and desired in some way by others. 🥰 I have been working on my lettering since the pandemic started, posting as consistently as possible…and it’s starting to capture the attention of brands as well as my community. If you have been following along, you know that’s a far cry from where I started and a stark contrast to what my life looked like during the pandemic!

It’s proof that tough times don’t last always. 🙌🏾

It’s also proof that there’s an adventure around every corner. Keep a project going. You never know what opportunity might come knocking next!

I started this lettering journey at the start of the pandemic just to see if I could get better at it. It happened to be my most requested artistic skill at work and it just made sense. Since then, most of my larger projects have taken place at work. In fact, one of my latest work projects is for our middle school formal.

The planner at our school is interested in doing a walk of fame. She asked me last week about lettering the stars since I “have the best handwriting.”

Little does she know…😂

She gave me some star-shaped plates and Sharpies. But, I tried a few other markers to see if I couldn’t get a brush marker or something more opaque to work first.

It turns out, as slippery as it was to work on this paper dish, with the exception of the Posca, the Sharpie stood the scribble test best. I would have probably used the Posca Pen if I had one more as a backup because it was a bit more opaque on this surface and did not rub off. But, the rest either beaded on the surface or wiped away even after a half hour drying time…No bueno.

Sharpies it was!

Using the Sharpies meant I had to also use faux calligraphy which is a whole extra step I was trying to avoid if I could. It doubled the time.

Ah well…It was a good excuse to sit on the sofa and let a movie watch me until they were done. 🤷🏾‍♀️

The other school project was more of a gift to a work friend in hopes she’ll recover soon from a difficult time.

You can’t work with people day in and day out in a school without weathering some tough times together.

I know it’s not going to fix everything…But, I hope when she looks at it, it makes her happy. 🥰 A cheerful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17:22). Short of that, I just want her to feel supported.

I’ve also been working on a personal project…

Been ‘round here playing with a wood burner, y’all. 😬

Yeah, I’m a bit, inquisitive. But, I love engraving so much, I thought I’d give pyrography a try too. Just means there’ll be even more stuff to put letters on now, I guess..

At the moment, I’m just using small pieces I got from my local craft store and some items I have around the house. Between the engraver and the pyrography kit, I shouldn’t run out of surfaces to letter on any time soon…Even my husband is shoving things at me to engrave! 😂

I’m sure as the school year continues to wind down, I’ll start to wind down with it.

Until then, just know that nothing is safe around me.

Don’t judge me, k? ✌🏾


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

Lettering For A Change


Planning For An Event Venue