Black History Month: Must-See Artists, A Nerd Alert and A Download

Yeah…I probably should’ve warned you.

I’ve been having a ball taking over the @crayligraphy account on Instagram for Black History Month! I was asked to do it a few days into February. Since I’m working and it’s the end of a trimester, I knew it would be a challenge. But, I also felt like it would be an opportunity to share ideas and learn something new, because…

I’m a nerd.

I’m not so bad that I read manuals. That’s just sadistic. But, I’m bad enough that whenever I do something, I need to LEARN something about it first.

It’s as much a pain for me as it is for y’all.

But, so far, this month has been SO rewarding! I started off this challenge feeling like I needed a practical strategy for how I could get it done. Plus, I wanted each post to be informative! You know…not in the, “Oh, that’s cute…it’s Black History Month” kind of way. Nope. I wanted more of a, “Awww snap! This is Black History!” kind of thing…I wanted that awe-inspiring, myth-busting, explore the rabbit hole kind of month. And, so far, I feel like that’s what I’m getting!

First, I started the takeover by making one drawing and taking a photo of it. Then, I broke the photo up using an app called Grid Post. I’ve never used an app like this before, so posting is a little unnerving.

Here’s the original…

Here’s how I’m supposed to post it.

I mean…what in the heezy is that?

I’ve never done this before. So, I’m just following directions. For each post, I use the next number and pray to God that it will work out in the end! The prayer isn’t in the actual directions, but…

Keeping this straight is whoa. But, it’s also part of the fun of taking over another account! It’s my own little version of unleashing my Sasha Fierce. She may not be as sexy as her namesake. But, trust…She is much bolder than her alter ego!

In the process of this challenge, I’ve messaged many phenomenal artists and designers to ask them if I could use their work to illustrate a post and they’ve been so accommodating! If you haven’t had the pleasure of seeing their work, please add the following artists to your list…

I still have a few posts left for this challenge and a few other artists to locate. I’ll update this list when the challenge is complete. (Updated on February 27th)

I also have my own project that I’ve shared that I want to post about at the end of this challenge…I’m really into that full-circle/circle of life thing…I’m expecting the project to be returned to me by this week! So, it looks like it’ll be just in time for my own black, happily, ever after.

I thought I’d share the file in the event you want to download it for your own BHM project. You’re free to change the colors or perfect the file if you’d like (because…see this post for more details). Please do not sell it (whether perfected, altered or not) because it’s a gift.

Just click on the image below and download the file.

If you download it, let me know! I’d love to see how you use this in your own creations!

Also, if you haven’t joined us already, follow the last few posts of the BHM challenge on @crayligraphy.

Enjoy the takeover!


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

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