Before You Letter Another “Hello” to the Month, Read This

Just don’t do it.

In fact, why don’t we just take November 2020 hostage until it gives us what we want?

Like for one, stickers!
I have been conditioned to receive a sticker after doing something good…like voting…and taking my car for inspections….and for not totally losing it when they run out of black cherry flavor at the local Rita’s. But, this time, I got no sticker for my vote.

Do you know how difficult it is to prove to the world in the year 2020 that you have fulfilled your patriotic duty without the customary, stickered selfie?
But, no….I was told, “We ran out of stickers, Ma’am.”
Sir, I’m a teacher. You don’t run out of stickers. Clearly, the structure of your planning time has severe flaws.
At any rate, we want something else from November too. November had better give up the goods or it can kick rocks. Here’s a not so distant throwback to it…

All jokes aside, I hope you voted today.
And because I literally will not tolerate a stickerless November, I made my own.

Pfft. No stickers.


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).

What I’ve Learned As a Newbie Content Creator in the Time of COVID


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